Hello Ed,
As have promised you I send you enclosed the new reports on NDV serum treatment. (This is part II.) It contains 18 distemper cases. (14 lived and 4 died following treatment with NDV serum.)
Some interesting facts:
- We were able to save all the adult distemper dogs with NDV serum treatment.
- It is very difficult to treat puppies, especially at the shelter, unfortunately we were not able to save all of them
- Today we have made NDV serum four times with the help of eleven dogs, result: 555 ml (cc) NDV serum
- We need serum, as we get sick dogs from the town.
Treatment with NDV SERUM II
9. Puppies I
5 mix puppies, from two families, male and female, middle sized, they got distemper 7 days after their first combo vaccine, symptoms: were weak, did not eat, small discharge in eyes and nose, diarrhea.
- Got 3 serums –12 hours apart, 2 kg 3 x 1,5 ml (cc) 02.26-27.2011.
3 puppies
- After the first 24 hours: felt little better, discharge in eyes and nose
A puppy that lived - After 48 hours: ate, felt better, less discharge in eyes,
- After 72 hours: good appetite, less discharge,
- Got antibiotics for 14 days synulox (amoxicillin-klavulanic acid) – enroxil 5 % (baytril)
- 7 days after serum: good appetite, small discharge,
- 14 days after serum: happy, good appetite, healthy.
2 puppies were in bad condition they got vitamins and were treated with fluids – they died.
10. Maggie

Large sized, gray-light brown, mixed dog, very old, 12-13 years, female, she was in very bad condition when we found her: very thin, missing hair, depressive, she got distemper after 5 days of first combo vaccine, symptoms: did not eat at all, fever, sad, bad purulent discharge in eyes, only laid, was weak.
- Got 3 serums –12 hours apart, 35 kg 3 x 8 ml (cc) 03.04-05.2011.
Maggie, 22 days later. - After the first 24 hours: felt better, ate little
- After 48 hours: no fever, less weak, ate well,
- After 72 hours: walked, ate well, less discharge in eyes
- Got antibiotics for 14 days synulox (amoxicillin-klavulanic acid) – enroxil 5 % (baytril)
- 2 weeks after serum: ate well, put on weight, almost without symptoms, very little discharge in one eye sometimes
- 1 month after serum: healthy, good appetite, happy, her hair started to grow
11. Puppies II
4 mix puppies, from two families, male and female, middle sized, they got distemper 5 days after their first combo vaccine, symptoms: were weak, did not eat, small discharge in eyes and nose, diarrhea.
- Got 3 serums –12 hours apart, 2 kg 3 x 1,5 ml (cc) 03.10-11.2011.
2 puppies:
- After the first 24 hours: felt little better, discharge in eyes and nose
- After 48 hours: ate, felt better, less discharge in eyes,
- After 72 hours: good appetite, less discharge,
- Got antibiotics for 10 days synulox (amoxicillin-klavulanic acid) – enroxil 5 % (baytril)
- 7 days after serum: good appetite, small discharge,
- 14 day after serum: happy, good appetite, healthy.
2 puppies were in bad condition they got vitamins and were treated with fluids – they died.
12. Süti
Dachshund mix, female, small sized, color: light yellow, she got distemper after combo vaccine, symptoms: fever, did not eat, bad vomit and diarrhea, was weak, did not have any discharge.
- Got 3 serums –12 hours apart, 10 kg 3 x 3 ml (cc) 03.10-11.2011.
- After the first 24 hours: felt better, no fever
- After 48 hours: ate, did not vomit, felt better
- After 72 hours: good appetite, diarrhea was finished
- Got antibiotics for 10 days synulox (amoxicillin-klavulanic acid) – enroxil 5 % (baytril)
- 10 days after serum: healthy, strong, good appetite, happy.
- She was together with two other dogs in the same kennel, the other two dogs also got serum, they did not get distemper.
13. Dömper
Dachshund-sheperd mix, male, middle sized, color: black and brown, he had two combo vaccines (December 2010) however he got distemper, symptoms: was very weak, did not eat, had diarrhea, was weak, purulent discharge in eyes and nose.
- Got 3 serums –12 hours apart, 20 kg 3 x 5 ml (cc) 03.19-20.2011.
- After the first 24 hours: felt better, ate
- After 48 hours: ate, was happy, felt better, less discharge
- After 72 hours: good appetite, diarrhea was finished
- Got antibiotics for 10 days synulox (amoxicillin-klavulanic acid) – enroxil 5 % (baytril)
- 10 days after serum: healthy, strong, good appetite, happy.
- He was healthy, but he had little discharge in eyes for two weeks.
14. Darázs
Dachshund mix, male, small sized, color: black and brown, he did not have vaccines, as he bit all the time, he got distemper, symptoms: was very weak, did not eat, purulent discharge in eyes and nose, did not bite J.
- Got 3 serums –12 hours apart, 8 kg 3 x 3 ml (cc) 03.22-23.2011.
- After the first 24 hours: felt better, ate
- After 48 hours: ate, felt better, less discharge
- After 72 hours: good appetite, no discharge, bit again J
- Got antibiotics for 7 days synulox (amoxicillin-klavulanic acid) – enroxil 5 % (baytril)
- 7 days after serum: healthy, strong, good appetite, no discharge
15. Lizi
Dachshund mix, female, small sized, color: brown, she got distemper 5 days after the second vaccine, symptoms: was weak, did not eat, discharge in eyes and nose.
- Got 3 serums –12 hours apart, 5 kg 3 x 2 ml (cc) 03.22-23.2011.
- After the first 24 hours: felt better, ate
- After 48 hours: ate, felt better, less discharge, running nose
- After 72 hours: good appetite, no discharge, happy, healthy
- Got antibiotics for 7 days synulox (amoxicillin-klavulanic acid) – enroxil 5 % (baytril)
- 7 days after serum: healthy, strong, good appetite, no discharge
16. Szőrmók
German shepherd mix, male, large sized, color: black and gray, he got distemper however he had two combo vaccines (February 2010), symptoms: sad, depressive, heavy respiration, pneumonia, was very weak, did not eat, discharge in eyes and nose.
- Got 3 serums –12 hours apart, 30 kg 3 x 7 ml (cc) 03.26-27.2011.
- After the first 24 hours: felt a little better, heavy respiration
- After 48 hours: felt better, less discharge in eyes, running nose, heavy respiration
- After 72 hours: less discharge in eyes, running nose, heavy respiration
- Got antibiotics for 14 days synulox (amoxicillin-klavulanic acid) – enroxil 5 % (baytril)
- 7 days after serum: much better, good appetite, no discharge
- 14 days after serum: healthy, happy, correct respiration, no discharge
17. Törpi
Terrier mix, female, small sized, color: black and brown, she did not have vaccines, she had distemper when she was found, symptoms: was weak, did not eat, purulent discharge in eyes and nose, bad diarrhea.
- Got 3 serums –12 hours apart, 5 kg 3 x 2 ml (cc) 03.26-27.2011.
- After the first 24 hours: felt little better, diarrhea
- After 48 hours: ate, felt better, less discharge, diarrhea
- After 72 hours: good appetite, less discharge, less diarrhea
- Got antibiotics for 14 days synulox (amoxicillin-klavulanic acid) – enroxil 5 % (baytril)
- 7 days after serum: good appetite, little discharge, diarrhea finished
- 14 days after serum: healthy , happy, no discharge, good appetite.
18. Bogár
Dachshund mix, male, small sized, color: black, he got distemper 5 days after his first combo vaccine, symptoms: was weak, did not eat, discharge in eyes and nose, diarrhea.
- Got 3 serums –12 hours apart, 12 kg 3 x 4 ml (cc) 03.27-28.2011.
- After the first 24 hours: felt little better, diarrhea, discharge in eyes and nose
- After 48 hours: ate, felt better, less discharge in eyes, diarrhea
- After 72 hours: good appetite, less discharge, less diarrhea
- Got antibiotics for 14 days synulox (amoxicillin-klavulanic acid) – enroxil 5 % (baytril)
- 7 days after serum: good appetite, discharge in nose, running nose, diarrhea finished
- 14 days after serum: happy, good appetite, running nose.
- One small female dog was with him, she also got serum, she did not get distemper.
19. Beni
Terrier mix, male, middle sized, color: white, he got distemper 4 days after his second combo vaccine, symptoms: was weak, did not eat, discharge in eyes and nose.
- Got 3 serums –12 hours apart, 20 kg 3 x 5 ml (cc) 03.29-30.2011.
- After the first 24 hours: felt little better, discharge in eyes and nose
- After 48 hours: ate, felt better, less discharge in eyes,
- After 72 hours: good appetite, less discharge,
- Got antibiotics for 10 days synulox (amoxicillin-klavulanic acid) – enroxil 5 % (baytril)
- 7 days after serum: good appetite, small discharge,
- 14 day after serum: happy, good appetite, healthy.
Szekszárd, April 14, 2011
Szilvia Fiáth
Shelter of Szekszárd
For more information, check out our Report on the Effectiveness of the NDV treatments.
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[…] A second report on serum use. Received April 15, 2011 […]