Received from Justine Garratt of Bulgaria, Aug. 14, 2016:
“Hi, I am running a very small charity Santerpaws Bulgarian rescue in Pleven Blugaria, I sadly for the second time this year have picked up a puppy with the virus, and worryingly I have 20 other dogs here that are still only half way through the vaccinations. I really would like to know more. I see dogs dying from this on the streets everyday, I have a vet that I am sure I could convince to help me, please can you let me know what I can do to get involved, selfishly to help the ones around me. Reading about the Newcastle virus vaccine. Many thanks Justine.”
We exchanged information, including contacts in Romania. One dog died before the serum could be made.
Today, Aug. 23, I received this video:
From Justine:
“Both these 2 were diagnosed with distemper a week ago. Both had the Sears serum. Think we may have cracked it. Thank you so much. We have a long way to go as I have said before we have loads of dogs here but I have real hope that we will have more survive than not.”
I believe this is the first example of the NDV serum being used in Bulgaria. Thanks so much for sending us this, Justine!
Note from Justine: “I would like my vet Zari [Заривет Плевен — “Zari of Zarivet Pleven”] mentioned because when he got on board he did not charge me for his time or anything.”