Canine Distemper

MUST READ: Notes from Dr. Sears on pneumonia, distemper

en español

These are notes from Dr. Sears, amending treatments, after attending a lecture in St. Louis:

Treatment at presentation of acute upper respiratory disease.

Serum —  NDV induced serum  1 cc per ten lbs plus 1 cc per dog for 3 treatments given 12 hours apart.  ( not NDV as some dogs cannot or do not respond and make appropriate cytokines)  So, for a 30 lb dog would be 1 cc plus 3  cc for a total of 4 cc given 3 times.

Tamiflu–Turns out some of these other viruses are extremely sensitive to this medication.  I would recommend that 1 mg/lb be given twice daily for at lease 7 days.  Should block most of the viruses we are discussing.

Antibiotics.–All these viruses cause inflammation in the lungs. (flu causes hemorrhagic pneumonia)  All leave a BACTERIAL SECONDARY PNEUMONIA.  My recommendation is Penicillin -G and Baytril inj three times daily in older dogs  9 Mos or older for at least 10 days.
Penicillin -G and Chloromycetin (25 mg/lb) three times daily for 10 days in younger dogs.  (Baytril causes joint problems in younger dogs)

Supportive fluids and feeding as necessary.

There is an effective test for these viruses developed and available through ANTECH.  This is a throat swab that distinguishes the upper respiratory viruses and give a good diagnosis.  Also for distemper there is still the transitional cell bladder test.  Works great to diagnose acute distemper quickly.

There is a test for distemper antigen an intranasal swab that is done at the clinical level.  Problem with this test is that it can and does go positive with vaccine distemper virus.  So, it can and does give false positive tests for distemper and cause a misdiagnosis.

Bordetella is kennel cough.  It is treated with cephalosporin antibiotics.  It does not routinely cause pneumonia.  Can be confused with the viral diseases.  I DO NOT LIKE THIS CLASS OF ANTIBIOTICS FOR PNEUMONIA IN VIRAL DISEASES.

List of upper respirartory  diseases that can and are confused with distemper

Canine influenza H3N8
influenza H1N1
Corona virus
Herpes virus
Many bacterial pneumonias.

Treatment of secondary neurologic problems in dogs remains the same at this time.  This  problem is only seen in those dogs treated late in the disease or those that make a spontaneous recovery.

If you have any comments or recommendations please write to me and we can discuss them.  I came to realize that a lot of the pneumonias that are reported are NOT distemper.  Still need to be treated.

Doc Sears

Copyright © 2011 Kind Hearts In Action Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

10 replies on “MUST READ: Notes from Dr. Sears on pneumonia, distemper”

[…] Dr. Sears was able to save dogs at a rate in the high 90s because he was able to quickly identify distemper cases and treat the dogs before the narrow window of opportunity closed. Similarly, the vet in Houston was able to save a large majority of dogs because of the ability to treat dogs quickly with a readily available source of serum. This appears to us to be a key to success, and perhaps further studies could provide more confirmation and learn the mechanism by which this serum works. However, the use of the serum does not guarantee that a dog will be saved. Distemper often opens up other opportunistic infections such as pneumonia. Vets and owners have reported that even though they saw distemper symptoms reverse after NDV treatment, the dog died of pneumonia, another disease or medical problem. Dr. Sears has written a protocol of recommended treatments to give dogs an improved chance of survival. It can be found here. […]

[…] Dr. Sears was able to save dogs at a rate in the high 90s because he was able to quickly identify distemper cases and treat the dogs before the narrow window of opportunity closed. Similarly, the vet in Houston was able to save a large majority of dogs because of the ability to treat dogs quickly with a readily available source of serum. This appears to us to be a key to success, and perhaps further studies could provide more confirmation and learn the mechanism by which this serum works. However, the use of the serum does not guarantee that a dog will be saved. Distemper often opens up other opportunistic infections such as pneumonia. Vets and caretakers have reported that even though they saw distemper symptoms reverse after NDV treatment, the dog died of pneumonia, another disease or medical problem. Dr. Sears has written a protocol of recommended treatments to give dogs an improved chance of survival. It can be found here. […]

[…] Dr. Sears was able to save dogs at a rate in the high 90s because he was able to quickly identify distemper cases and treat the dogs before the narrow window of opportunity closed. Similarly, the vet in Houston was able to save a large majority of dogs because of the ability to treat dogs quickly with a readily available source of serum. This appears to us to be a key to success, and perhaps further studies could provide more confirmation and learn the mechanism by which this serum works. However, the use of the serum does not guarantee that a dog will be saved. Distemper often opens up other opportunistic infections such as pneumonia. Vets and caregivers have reported that even though they saw distemper symptoms reverse after NDV treatment, the dog died of pneumonia, another disease or medical problem. Dr. Sears has written a protocol of recommended treatments to give dogs an improved chance of survival. It can be found here. […]

[…] about this treatment until it is nearly too late. And often if the treatment is delayed too long other opportunistic diseases can set in. By then, even if the distemper symptoms are reversed, the dog could still die of the […]

buona sera dottore..,spero che abbia il tempo di leggere la mia lettera,perchè sono disperata..!spero che il fatto che scriva in italiano non sia un problema..
as d ogni modo..,non so come ci sono arrivata,ma ho visto il suo sito,e il video che ha fatto sui cani affetti da cimurro.purtroppo il mio cucciolo è affetto dalla stessa malattia..e ha gli stessi sintomi mostrati nel suo video.
è una settimana che è in queste condizioni..e ormai non riesce a stare nè in piedi,nè a mangiare e non riesce a fare nulla..è secondo me,ha voglia di lottare contro questa malattia..,ma non è sufficiente.
il veterinario gli ha somministrato un antibiotico e delle punture di dobetin..,ma come le dicevo,in una settimana,nessun migliramento.
quindi vedendo il suo video,e i cani che ha salvato..,le chiedo se può aiutarmi..,se mi dice cosa posso fare..o indicarmi quali medicine usare,in modo da informare il veterinario.
il mio cagnolino è un chihuahua di quasi 4 mesi.
la prego di aiutarmi al più presto.
la ringrazio immensamente.
buona serata.

Sono spiacente ma non sono consapevole di alcun veterinario usando in Italia questi trattamenti. Lei è il primo da lì. Comunque, ci sono dei cani sono stati risparmiati in Ungheria ed in Romania.

Dobbiamo prendere il suo cucciolo trattato rapidamente. La migliore probabilità di risparmiare un cucciolo questi giovani sono con il siero di NDV-INDURRE prima che il cucciolo passi attraverso il sesto giorno di sintomi. Se questo diventa neurologico, sarà molto duro per risparmiare il suo cucciolo.

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