From the website of Arizona Desert Rotti & Pals Rescue

T-Bone the SURVIVOR!! has found a home! You can read T-Bone the SURVIVOR!!’s original profile below or view adoptable pets from this adoption group.
Arizona Desert Rotti & Pals Rescue
Tucson, AZ 85731
Contact this Organization
About T-Bone the SURVIVOR!!
Meet an AMAZING BOY!! This is T-BONE, a Lab/Boxer mix and he is a DISTEMPER SURVIVOR! He is now 2 years old. Not long after we saved him off death row (as a puppy) and vaccinated him, he came down withe distemper. Distemper shots don’t work if a dog has been exposed and it’s in their system. Our director went to GREAT lengths and time to save this boys’s life. She sent for a new treatment that is supposed to help and GUESS WHAT? It DID! T-Bone can RUN like the wind on the ranch, his foster home. He’s loving, sweet, likes all sizes of dogs and is an all around NICE BOY. The ONLY thing we notiice if he stands still for too long, one can notice a bit of a twitch, but it’s really not that noticeable.
SO if you like LARGE, FUN dogs that love walking, hiking, playing and just being a DOG? Well, T-Bone may be your DREAM GUY! This boy has energy to spare, so if you’re a couch potato, he will NOT call you for a second date. This is ONE NICE DOG who LOVES to play and adores other dogs and people. You can also tell by his photos, that this is big one big goofy boy!
His foster mom keeps saying he is just SO NICE!
Since T-Bone also LOVES to be around people, he won’t make a good dog for someone looking to dump him in their back yard and forget about him. He wants to be part of a PACK!! Tthis guy will catch on quick and be your best buddy in no time!! He is VERY VERY sweet.
Since he’s a BIG BABY and doesn’t know he’s strong, we prefer he go to a home with older children. They will also be goof at keeping up with him and help with her energy level!
OR, you can fill out a pre adoption application at
NOTE!! At the end of the application under comments, please include the type of yard you have around your home as well as fencing.
Arizona Desert Rotti and Pals is a NO KILL rescue serving Tucson and the surrounding area. We work very hard to save animals in danger, so ANY donations, food, blankets, or financial, are GREATLY appreciated!
We usually show our smaller dogs at Petsmart at Grant & Swan (Tucson) from 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM. However, we don’t bring our larger dogs unless we get and approve (speak to the people interested at length) an application before the adoption event. IF you are interested in this boy, you can send a pet inquiry to this site.
Leah Keuroghlian
#distemperdogs #dogs #lovedistemperdogs